"Przegląd Komunikacyjny" publishes articles related to the broadly understood transport and transport infrastructure. This includes technical, economic and legal issues. Materials related to geography, history and transport sociology are also accepted.
The articles published in the "Communication Review" are divided into: "contributing to the extension field of transport and transport infrastructure knowledge" and "other". Authors have to determine to which group their article should be included.
Materials for publication should be sent in electronic form to the Editorial Office's address: artykuly@przeglad.komunikacyjny.pwr.wroc.pl
During the e-mail correspondence, the continuity of correspondence should be maintained and the number assigned to the article should be kept in the title of the message.
Articles contributing to scientific input are subject to extensive, substantive review procedures in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which allows to include them after publication, to scientific achievements (with the score awarded in the course of the evaluation of scientific journals - currently 8 points - B list):
1. At least two independent reviewers from outside the unit are appointed to evaluate each publication.
2. In the case of texts created in a foreign language, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated in a foreign institution other than the nationality of the author of the work.
3. The recommended solution is a model in which the author (s) and reviewers do not know their identity (the so-called "double-blind review process").
4. In other solutions, the reviewer must sign a declaration of no conflict of interest; a conflict of interest is considered to occur between the reviewer and the author:
a) direct personal relations (kinship, legal relationships, conflict),
b) professional subordination relationships,
c) direct scientific cooperation during the last two years preceding the preparation of the review
5. The review must be in writing and end with a clear conclusion as to the admission of the article to publication or its rejection.
6. The rules for qualifying or rejecting publications and a possible review form are publicly available on the journal's website or in any issue of the journal.
7. Names of reviewers of individual publications / numbers are hidden; once a year (in the last issue and on the website), the magazine publishes a list of cooperating reviewers.
Details of the above procedures are available on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
"Other" articles are subject to substantive reviews of one reviewer (possibly from outside the unit). The publication process is faster. Authors are not entitled to any scientific achievements.
The prepared material should illustrate the author's own research contribution. The editors have implemented a procedure to prevent Ghostwriting. The "ghostwriting" is when someone made a significant contribution to the publication, without revealing their participation as one of the authors or without mentioning his role in the acknowledgments included in the publication. Text and illustrations must be original and not published elsewhere (including on the internet). It is possible to post articles that appeared in conference and similar materials (on the manuscript basis), indicating this fact and after being adapted to the publication requirements of the "Przegląd Komunikacyjny".